About Me

About Me

Hello my name is Terri Peake Price. I come from a family of five brothers. I am the youngest. When I was young, being the only girl, my mom would  dress me in the latest fashions.
I love the quote by Coco Chanel "A girl should be two things: CLASSY & FABULOUS"

About Me

I adopted this phrase and acquired a passion for style and fashion from early childhood. As a teenager, I entered fashion shows in and around the Akron Ohio area. 
My passion for fashion landed me opportunities to work for Macy's and eventually on to a more high end establishment, Saks Fifth Avenue.

I have always loved people. Relationships are extremely important to me. It was while working at these establishments that I formed some of the most meaningful and memorable relationships with my clientele.
While employed with Saks Fifth Avenue, I became a Brand Ambassador and Style Consultant. My clientele would range from the Ohio, Michigan and Georgia area.
I believe that as women, we should uplift and encourage one another.

I would love to gain your confidence in allowing me to serve you in the area of your fashion needs. I'm here to serve, because I believe that every girl should be classy and fabulous.